As part of its efforts to unify its services to district heating customers, Adven implemented Wapice’s extended EcoReaction solution in Finland and Sweden. The service will streamline and unify hourly energy consumption reporting and online services in both countries.
In addition to providing an easy-to-use and unified customer solution, EcoReaction simplified system maintenance by combining previous stand-alone services into one service. For the customers, the Wapice solution resulted in a higher level of online service, and for Adven, lower maintenance costs.
Adven is the leading provider of energy and water services across the Nordic and Baltic countries. For industries Adven produces industrial steam, heat and cold as well as provides utility and processing solutions to improve energy, water and material efficiency. For real estate segment Adven produces heating and cooling based on district heating or property-specific solutions applying for instance bio- and geoenergy.
Additional Information:
Wapice Oy, Jyrki Keskinen, Director of Energy Business Line, Tel. +358 10 277 5141