Take advantage of data and start developing your future
We’re ready to work with you to create an AI powered solution tailored to your business goals. Reach out to us to learn more about our services and get started on your future plan.
We’re ready to work with you to create an AI powered solution tailored to your business goals. Reach out to us to learn more about our services and get started on your future plan.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a trending technology with several benefits. Wapice’s solutions offer versatile ways of utilizing artificial intelligence for example in preventive maintenance, autonomous vehicles or even in health & safety applications.
We would like to help you make the most of future AI-technology today! There are numerous applications and ways to utilize artificial intelligence. We help you find solutions that match your needs and implement them in cooperation with you.
Our solutions enable cost-effective ways to process and analyze large amounts of data. Refined data can be utilized to benefit your business, product development or customer service.
We help our customers in utilizing future AI-solutions and create services to reduce time and money. With numerous available solutions on using AI, we help you find best solutions for your needs in cooperation with you. Our AI technologies can be implemented in edge, cloud or in local servers.
Advanced computer vision algorithms are able to detect features from pictures and video based on the rules it has been taught. This allows detection, classification and tracking.
Neural networks detect anomalous events from large amounts of data. Anomaly detection is based on the available historical data. Data is typically timeseries data, multifeatured data, text and audio.
Predictive maintenance is a typical example in prediction capable algorithms. Historical data is used for creating a model for predicting wear and it can be based on several different features and data sources such as acceleration sensors or sound data.
Natural language processing (NLP) is able to automatically determine topics, context and correlations inside large text corpuses.
For example customer service solutions:
Our services in data analytics are IoT analytics services and consultation, architecture and implementation. Benefits in our solutions are: